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Labor Day with Solar Energy

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This Monday we celebrate Labor Day with solar energy, a nationally celebrated day that honors the social and economic achievements of American workers. This celebration started in 1882 in New York City and expanded nationwide in the years afterwards. Today, more than a century later, we continue to recognize the contributions of all workers who have made our country stronger day by day.

Now, for most people, the celebration today consists mainly of barbecues and shopping sales, even a last minute mini-vacation for the three day weekend. However, this was an event that originated on by striking members of the workers’ Union marching through the streets with banners and the tools of their trade, looking to reduce their labor hours. “The organizers of the first Labor Day were interested in creating an event that brought different types of workers together to meet each other and recognize their common interest,” writes Jay L. Zagorsky, on

Today, we would like to recognize the exhausting labor of our entire solar energy workforce, composed of a wide range of people with a variety of skills; from scientists, engineers, electricians, designers, installers to a vast array of office workers that help the industry grow and maintains the vision of a healthier world.

Growth and Impact of the Renewable Energy Sector

The renewable energy industry continues to provide jobs to millions of Americans and has expanded greatly since 2008. It has had large increases in manufacturing capacity and locations and it is estimated that $120 billion was invested in renewable energy globally in the past decade. Solar production has been increasing by an average of some 20 percent each year since 2002, making it the world’s fastest-growing energy technology. Globally, the clean energy economy contributes to about 2.3 million people who work either directly in renewables or indirectly in the supplier industries.

Driving Forces Behind Clean Energy Job Growth

Some of the things driving clean energy job growth are the dropping costs of technology along with an increasing customer demand and increasingly efficient technology. The Bio-energy sector remains the largest renewable employer making the solar industry the second largest employer for clean energy.

Learn More About Good Faith Energy

As a solar energy business owner that started with a prototype on the roof of his mother’s house, Mohammed Abdalla, Founder and CEO of Good Faith Energy, has made the project become a dream come true, with hundreds of solar panel installations that have converted homes into sustainable properties that now produce their own energy using only the sun.

Good Faith Energy has recently expanded the business to include installation and maintenance of Tesla EV charging stations, Tesla home batteries, energy efficiency solutions, Green Roofing and home automation systems. Their efforts have earned them the certifications from Panasonic as Elite Installers, from Tesla as Solar and Powerwall Installers, and they are also Enphase certified installers, among others.

All of this could not be possible without our partners and workers who day by day perform their jobs abiding by our values: Respect, Excellence, and Integrity.

Let us pay tribute to the American workers in the Renewable energy industry and to all those folks whose hard work contributes to the nation’s strength, freedom and leadership. Thank you.

If you would you like to learn more about GFE and about the benefits of going solar, visit us here

Fact checked by Jacob Petrosky – 4/25/2024