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New Construction Solar Solutions in Texas

Embrace Solar: The Future of Home Construction

As advocates for innovative sustainable solutions in the homebuilding industry, we are excited to collaborate with you on new construction solar solutions in Texas. Building homes with solar in mind not only benefits the future homeowner, but also you as architects and homebuilders. Good Faith Energy provides the most seamless experience to integrate solar and battery backups into new home builds! Integrating solar into your new home construction provides enhanced property value, day one energy savings for buyers, and more. If you would like to explore this further or have any questions, our team is ready to assist you in seamlessly integrating solar into your upcoming projects.

white beautiful and huge house powered by Tesla Solar Roof




Why Choose Good Faith Energy for Your Solar Design and Build Needs?

The Optimal Tesla Solar Roof | Always Design Your New Build House with Solar In Mind
  • Experience: Our company has been designing, building, and servicing solar systems for nearly 10 years.
  • Restoring Faith in Good Contracting: At Good Faith Energy, our electrical crews operate in-house. Many other solar providers cannot say the same. This way, we can ensure the highest standard of work and craftsmanship
  • Highest Levels of Certification: We are fully certified by all of our product providers, and have even reached “Premier Installer” status in our Tesla Certification.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: We leverage the latest solar technologies and innovations to deliver state-of-the-art solutions for your new home. This ensures maximum performance and longevity.
  • Tailored Solar Solutions: Our experienced team of solar professionals customizes each design. We make sure to suit the unique specifications of your new home, optimizing energy production and efficiency.
Tesla Certified Installer badge
Tesla Powerwall Certified Installer badge
REC logo
Enphase Gold Installer logo
Span logo

Our Efficient Process for New Construction

  • Consultation: Speak with one of our solar experts to discuss the details of your project.
  • Solar Array Design: Next, our in-house engineers will design the perfect custom solar solution for you.
  • Pre-wiring: To ensure the wires are hidden in the walls, we will need to pre-wire.
  • Solar Installation: Now we’re ready to install solar and batteries on the new homes!
  • Post-Install Service: After the install, we will make sure to follow-up in case any issues arise.
Good Faith Energy solar roof installers at work

Power Your Future: Unleashing Sustainable Living with Integrated Solar Solutions!

red house with Tesla Solar Roof and Powerwall installed

As a forward-thinking home builder, we’d like to draw your attention to the transformative advantages of integrating solar solutions directly into your future home designs. Moreover, we firmly believe that incorporating solar into your future home designs is not just a choice for today. Instead, it is an investment in the future of sustainable living.

By doing so, you not only contribute to a greener environment but also enjoy the long-term benefits of reduced energy costs. Additionally, speaking to one of our Solar Experts today will provide you with more information about how we can partner together to create a sustainable and energy-abundant future. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this positive change for a better tomorrow.

houses with solar panels
solar battery backup system